by Evan Franklin

Is your healthcare organization protected?
For many, the phrase “identity theft” conjures thoughts of compromised credit cards, stolen passwords and breached bank accounts. You may have received that stomach-churning call from your bank alerting you of suspicious activity or fraudulent charges. Personal finances are indeed an area rife with vulnerability to hackers and identity thieves, especially in a day and age where so much information is transmitted wirelessly through the ether. The scope and frequency of cyberattacks are staggering. A University of Maryland study found that there is a hacker attack on a computer with internet access every 39 seconds, affecting one out of every three Americans each year. More alarming still, last year hackers stole half a billion personal records, a 126% increase from just a year prior in 2017.
Fill out the form on the right to download our latest guide on healthcare cybersecurity to learn more about why cyberattacks are so prevalent in the industry, and how healthcare organizations can fight back.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
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