Senior Living Marketing: Reach and Target the Right Audience
Learn How to Target the Right Audience for Your Organization
Between strict HIPAA regulations, the volatile digital landscape and the shift to consumerism/patient choice, marketing in healthcare is far from a walk in the park. To the third point, organizations must choose the right demographic areas on which to focus their marketing dollars and efforts. Logic might suggest casting as wide a net as possible and seeing how many people you catch, but in today’s marketing climate this approach simply isn’t feasible – especially in healthcare. There are just too many people, platforms and varying needs, and those who pursue the “throw marketing at the wall” approach usually watch their budget circle the drain. To quote Dan Shewan of WordStream: “’Everyone’ is not a demographic.” “A vague idea is not enough to compete in today’s ruthless business environment,” Shewan writes. “Without detailed knowledge of your target market, you could be losing business to your competitors or missing out on opportunities to increase sales.”
Luckily, there are steps organizations can take to whittle down the massive healthcare-consuming public to target the particular segment that they can benefit most, and vice-versa.
Download now to learn about crafting, targeting and reaching the audience that will help your organization flourish.

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