by Wendy O’Donovan Phillips



This is an excerpt from Big Buzz’s eBook Calls to Action that Work: The Senior Care Industry Insider Report, which contains all the guidance you will need to optimize your CTAs across the board. Get your free copy of the full eBook.

Here are detailed instructions on how to develop the call to action our experts indicated is most likely to inspire connection:

Quickly Grab The Reader’s Attention

First, you truly need to grab the reader’s attention and hold it. The best way to do this is to begin your call to action with an inviting and intriguing headline. For this, you want to think of something that is open-ended enough to allow the reader to begin formulating their own ideas while also keeping it structured enough that they can quickly and easily understand what the title means or is in direct reference to.

There is a lot that can be said about crafting the best possible catchy title. But, you ultimately want it to be short, clear and impactful.

For our example, we will use the title: “Live your best life!”

Build up a Solid Body

Then, add body copy underneath starting with the words, “Yes, I want to…” Our study showed that these words inspire more connection and action than any others. End your body copy with, “…so I can get:”. This tees up your upcoming value list.

The value list includes three to four bullet points articulating the value the person will get from taking action. (This is not the value proposition for moving to one of your communities or investing in care with you. That value proposition would have been articulated on the homepage and other primary landing pages on your website before they reach this one. In other words, when someone visits your website, every page so be giving them a good idea of the value they are getting. This list is the value of simply taking the next right step.)

Here is a list of example value bullets that would follow the phrase “…so I can get”:

  • Clarity on my current situation and suggestions on how I can immediately improve daily life
  • Expert guidance that will help me make great choices for my future
  • A clearer vision for reaching my desired future life, even if that doesn’t involve moving
  • Free initial details on a tour or what it might look like to join a senior community

Add Your CTA Button

Finally, add a short form with a button at the end that calls them to action. For example, “Schedule my free session.”

When it all comes together, it looks like this:

CTA example

Book a complimentary strategy session with a Big Buzz nurture marketing expert today so you can get:

✅ Clarity on the root causes of current lead issues we face

✅ Research and industry intel that will help eradicate lead issues for good

✅ A clearer vision for reaching the organization’s desired state this year, 3 years and 5 years from now

✅ A free initial nurture marketing plan to invite warm leads to move in now


Big Buzz is a marketing agency delivering a steady stream of move-in-ready leads to teams serving the senior living industry. For more than 15 years, Big Buzz has helped senior living marketing and sales teams nurture leads to increase occupancy, grow and scale. CEO Wendy O’Donovan Phillips is the author of the book Flourish!: The Method Used by Aging Services Organizations for the Ultimate Marketing Results, has been published in McKnight’s, has been a regular contributor to Forbes, and has been quoted in The Washington Post, ABC News and Chicago Tribune. The Big Buzz leadership team regularly lectures in front of audiences ranging from 25 to 3,000 attendees, including at Argentum and various LeadingAge chapters. Agency awards and accolades include recognition for excellence by the American Marketing Association, Gold Key Award Winner by the Business Marketing Association, HubSpot Academy Inbound Marketing Certification, and Top Advertising and Marketing Agency by Clutch.

by Wendy O’Donovan Phillips



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