• Your brand is the singular value proposition that uniquely positions your organization in the marketplace, as shown by trends in differentiation from the perspective of your residents and families.

  • Investors want concrete evidence of returns, but oftentimes, this is not as straightforward as it may seem. Learn more about how to keep them satisfied as you continue to the process of reaching your revenue goals.

  • Across the ages, stories have been passed down to build culture, entertain, educate and inspire. Storytelling started as an oral tradition, evolved to pictures then to writing.

    A memorable story discloses previously unknown information, offers a new perspective on known information or reveals an unforeseen twist or development. Today, many of our stories live online.

    How can you apply storytelling to enrich your community, the lives of those you serve and your approach to business?

  • You have a database full of prospects, some of which you and your team have been nurturing for months or even years. You are having all the right conversations and doing all the right things you have done before to fill occupancy. Still, tours are down, move-ins are dwindling and census is low.

  • If you’re beginning to think about taking your practices's marketing plan to the next level with an advertising campaign, then it might be time to think about the message you want to send. In advertising, there are six messaging strategies that are most commonly used.

  • In this article we illustrate the opportunity to tell a cohesive story across the full experience of the resident and family journey into your community. At each point, we detail how to expand on that story at various points in the journey.

  • People defined storytelling primarily as a means to evoke feeling or elicit an emotional response. The feeling may be one of pleasure, a sense of belonging, a sense of loyalty or confirmation of previous experiences, thoughts or feelings.

  • What you want is to align with the right partners who will elevate your marketing far beyond your competition’s efforts – who will showcase your organization’s best for the people who need you most to find you now.

  • Last November, Big Buzz CEO Wendy O'Donovan Phillips sat down for an inspiring interview with Steve Moran, founder of Big Buzz partner Senior Living Foresight. The two discussed building marketing relationships with senior living organizations, getting to the heart of what makes their communities shine and Wendy's big ideas on empowering women and minorities in senior living marketing.

  • Lack of decision is the death of done. In my 15 years at the helm of Big Buzz, never have I seen a marketing executive so swiftly and gracefully move through a series of decisions culminating in a massive rollout as I did Missy Day of Sinceri Senior Living (formerly JEA Senior Living).

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